Wellness Programs

Led by a team of experienced and certified professionals


World best group exercise

Instead of struggling through every workout individually, take a group wellness class and work with our certified professional. Through music playing and everyone else working with you, sharing the success, it can feel more like a party than a workout.

Everyone is "in it together" in a group wellness class, which naturally lends itself to camaraderie among members.

We offers a wide variety of classes - LesMills, Zumba, TRX, pliates and yoga, led by a team of certified coaches.



Surpass your fitness goals with the help from our experts

Everyone has a different fitness goal. Our wellness coaches are here to help you meet and break them. It's not just about getting fit, but to fully unlock your fitness potential.

Working with a personal trainer makes it much less likely that you'll skip your workouts, ensure that you are performing the right exercises to meet your goals and performing them correctly. Your wellness coach will provide positive feedback and help you see your progress even when you find it hard to detect which also helps to ensure your long-term success.

Get motivated, stay accountable and feel supported.


Group training with your friends

Find your fit, and play. Small group training, a more affordable, fun way to take advantage of our wellness coach expertise with lower financial investment.

With only a handful of participants in each class, trainers get to know you more, and have the time to give each person individualized instruction and support required. You get a varied workout tailored to your needs and give you the space to ask more questions, be heard and leave each class confident that you are working towards your goals.



Getting better at everyday activities

A functional workout is simply one that strengthens you in a particular way that directly translates to an activity outside the weight room. For most people, the practical application of functional training is to make daily activities easier to perform.

A functional workout typically consists of compound exercises that require more than one muscle group to work together, like a squat, deadlift, lunge, or push-up. Because of that, they typically mimic everyday movement patterns—like pull, push, squat, hinge, rotation.

By training multiple muscle groups at the same time, you are helping your body function better as a whole. Training it to be a system and not just individual parts that work independently. Both your mind and muscles will learn how to recruit multiple muscle groups to get a job done instead of relying on just one.

Fitness Zone Health Club

Kiulap: Lot 45238, Spg. 88, Kg. Kiulap

Serusop: Unit A1, 1st & 2nd Floor, Lot 5812, Spg. 82, Kg. Delima Satu

 Email : enquiry@fitnesszone.com.bn

 Phone : +673 223 2113

©2025 Fitness Zone Health Club. All Rights Reserved.
